MADISON, WISC. (excerpts from The Madison Plan Commission on Monday backed a zoning change to pave the way for a Veridian Homes development that would deliver a mix of 600 homes and apartments to a stretch of farmland on the Far West Side.
The sizeable development realizes many City plans for parks and new road projects, including a 40-acre expansion of Elver Park that is still being negotiated by the City and Veridian. The development, named “Midpoint Meadows,” largely sits to the south of Mid Town Road and to the northwest of Raymond Road on farmland historically owned by Marty Century Farm.
“We’re really excited to be here with a plat that really implements many of the goals that the City places on development teams: aspirational goals for park space, for road connections and for diversity of housing,” said Brian Munson, a principal with Vandewalle & Associates, a design firm working with Veridian.