MEET OUR TEAM OF DEDICATED, MULTI-DISCIPLINARY PROFESSIONALS …with expertise in urban and community planning, urban design, economic development, graphic design and communication, and real estate strategy. Learn what drives each of us. Brian Vandewalle– CEO and Founder Rob Gottschalk, AICP – Principal Planner, Economic Positioning Nonna Anderson -CFO + Principal Business Manager Scott Harrington, AICP – Principal Planner, Redevelopment Brian Munson – Principal Urban Designer +Entitlement Susan Hansen – Principal Marketing Communications Jeff Maloney – Principal Urban Designer Dean Proctor, AIA – Principal Urban Designer Jackie Mich, AICP – Director of Milwaukee Office/Lead Associate Dan Eckberg, AICP – GIS Associate Planner Meredith Perks – Associate Planner Ben Rohr, AICP – Associate Planner Sonja Kruesel, AICP – Associate Planner Elona Bartnick – Lead Associate Urban Designer Scott Heacock – Assistant Planner Nicole Anderson – Project Assistant Neng Lor –Assistant Designer Evan Hoier – Assistant Planner Kyle Estrada – Assistant Planner We are driven to find new and better ways to make more of each place’s assets. – VANDEWALLE & ASSOCIATES Our purpose is to impact lives and bring positive change by rebuilding places, cities and economies to foster: inclusion and equity; better living experiences; new jobs; and higher quality of life. We are driven to find new and better ways to uncover new opportunities, making more of each place’s assets and resources than was thought possible. What sets us apart is our deep expertise with evolving mid-size Midwestern communities – it’s here that our unique combination of passions, multi-disciplinary skills, and value-added expertise can have the greatest impact. Uncovering place-based- and emerging-market-opportunities Identifying and planning economically viable, catalytic projects with a bold vision Managing projects, unlocking funding, and implementing the vision for the greatest impact