Brian Munson is a Principal Urban Designer and Entitlement expert. He leads the charge on Neighborhood Design & Project Facilitation initiatives for Vandewalle & Associates.
Focused on advancing the art of traditional neighborhood design, project facilitation, and project entitlement, Brian’s team specializes in creating livable and sustainable projects from concept through construction.
Brian’s multi-disciplinary design team delivers on projects ranging from mixed-use infill/redevelopment projects to large-scale traditional neighborhoods.
These projects feature a unique blend of land uses, residential options, open spaces, and pedestrian focused environments; all of which, are combined to create projects that are grounded in sustainable smart growth principles that balance community character with development potential.
Brian’s experience in neighborhood design, entitlement and implementation enables him to facilitate the creation of a wide range of diverse projects from greenfield sites to Main Street. He is currently engaged in the implementation and project management of The Grandview Commons Neighborhood and Smith’s Crossing on behalf of Veridian Homes, a 2016 National Housing Quality Award Gold Standard developer. Brian is leading the downtown opportunity analysis and special area plans for Stevens Point, Wisconsin. He is also involved with implementing several redevelopment projects within Madison, Wisconsin, Cedar Falls, Iowa, and Seattle, Washington with challenges ranging from brownfields and levees to multi-jurisdictional review and approvals. You can email Brian here.
B.S. Landscape Architecture
University of Wisconsin
Madison, Wisconsin
Member, Congress for New Urbanism