Looking for options for vacant retail space? Wondering how to replace a big box retailer vacancy? As shopping malls decline in popularity and relevance, communities need new options for the future.
A one-to-one replacement isn’t always feasible and may not even be the right solution for the long-term viability in your community. You may need strategies to repurpose the site. That’s where we come in.
Vandewalle & Associates has big picture ideas for these challenges. We can solve the immediate replacement need while you build a future-oriented Vision Plan. Or we can help with large scale redevelopment plans to reposition your community for the future.
From European-style outdoor eating spaces to affordable housing options, former mall locations and vacant retail space can be re-imagined.
Retail Reinvention Projects
Hartford, Wisconsin faced the closing of a Kmart store — the anchor tenant of a large strip mall. The City saw this as an opportunity to redevelop the site with new retail, office, restaurant and residential projects that would replace existing structures while filling outlots along a large highway frontage road. Once completed, this redevelopment project will build the tax base and improve housing options for a local workforce.