Beloit holds community open house for Comprehensive Plan

Beloit holds community open house for Comprehensive Plan

BELOIT, WI (WITH EXCERPTS FROM WREX.COM ) – At a May community open house the City and representatives from Vandewalle & Associates opened the dialogue on the Comprehensive Plan Update.

A top priority is the need to create more affordability and flexibility to address the housing crisis.

“You either have a single family house, or a bigger apartment complex, there’s not a lot of options for people in the middle and we want to be able to have somebody live their entire lives in Beloit, and your needs change throughout their life.” 

The goal of the Comprehensive Plan is to enhance the City of Beloit over the next 20 years. The last comprehensive plan was last fully updated in 2008.

Resident Susan Adams says development, diversity, sustainability are some of her top priorities.

“We need to be educated about what is going on in this city and especially because this comprehensive plan is going to last for 20 years. And it’s going to be important,” says Adams.

Additional opportunities for input came in the form of a table at the Sky Carp game, as well as a survey that ran through June 3.

The draft comprehensive plan will go to Plan Commission in June and then to City Council in August to review and adopt. 

The draft plan is available on the project website.