The City of Watertown recently worked with planning firm Vandewalle & Associates on new zoning changes.
With the help of city staff, Vandewalle reviewed approximately 125 parcels that may require amendments to clarify use, better meet the community’s future goals, and reduce ambiguity. These parcels are organized into four categories and include mixed-zoning, multi-zoning, unknown zoning, and conditional use.
In each case Vandewalle & Associates reviewed the current property use, current code, and recommended future uses of the district and surrounding district among myriad other factors. Recommendations were both category- and site-specific.
In some cases the recommendation was made to change a zoning district classification. This action has certain procedural requirements including publication of a notice, holding a public hearing, a recommendation by the Plan Commission, and action by the Common Council.
In some cases it is possible to utilize existing code to clarify the zoning situation and more clearly and legally grant legal conforming status for current and new uses.
Overlay districts may also be used to map a special set of regulations on top of a base zoning district.
The review also brought about additional changes to zoning maps, text amendments, and policy changes.