PORTAGE COUNTY: The Public Information Meeting on October 29th, 2024, for Portage County’s Safety Action Plan study was a big success, with numerous attendees sharing their thoughts about traffic safety. The interactive learning tables helped explain concepts such as positively offset left-turn lanes, advanced yield lines, and multi-lane roundabout driving.
Vandewalle & Associates has been leading the Portage County Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan update, one piece of the Portage County Safety Action Plan.
If you’re a citizen of Portage County, WI, or routinely drive roads in Portage County, please consider completing the survey available at this link https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/H98VRSR.
Thanks to Kristen Johnson, Brian Lee, Meredith Perks, and other key project stakeholders throughout the community and at TADI, Revelation LLC, Vandewalle & Associates, and raSmith for making this meeting a success.