Grant success for Horicon transportation planning

Grant success for Horicon transportation planning

HORICON, WISC. January 13, it was announced that the City of Horicon would receive a Federal grant of $160,000 for railroad safety planning and design. The announcement comes after the City worked with Vandewalle & Associates on a competitive grant writing process. Many V&A team members were involved in this effort. 

This success follows the late 2023/early 2024 award of $40,000 for pedestrian river crossing planning and design. The V&A team wrote a State grant (TAP grant under WisDOT) and worked with the City of Horicon. The City has been working through the next steps in planning over the past 6 months. 

In total, the rural community of Horicon has procured $200,000 through State and Federal grants for transportation planning with help from the Vandewalle & Associates team in recent years.