V&A News

Cedar River Experience Economic Development

CEDAR FALLS TO WATERLOO, IOWA: Cedar Falls and Waterloo are coming together to celebrate what unites the valley geographically and economically–the Cedar River, its trail system, and its downtown public spaces.

Last year INRCOG released its proposal for the “Cedar Valley River Experience”–developed with the help of economic development and planning consultant Vandewalle & Associates.

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Dane County Sustainability Campus open house set for August 5

The Dane County Department of Waste & Renewables, Vandewalle & Associates, and other project partners are inviting members of the public to the first interactive workshop on the Sustainability Campus on Saturday, August 5th from 11:30-2:30 pm.

This workshop is being held specifically for neighbors and others located closest to the Campus developments.

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Dodge County holds successful Outdoor Recreation Plan Open House

DODGE COUNTY, WIS. – Dodge County held a public Open House on Thursday, June 29 to share the draft Comprehensive Outdoor Recreational Plan Update developed with the help of Vandewalle and Associates. While the plan process is nearing completion, the public was offered several ways to provide valuable input at the Open House.

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Village of Shorewood Hills gathers input for University Avenue Corridor Plan

The Village of Shorewood Hills is continuing to develop a University Avenue Corridor Development and Design Plan. The purpose of the plan will be to shape and guide the continued evolution of University Avenue over the next 10-20 years by identifying the type, mix, format, and intensity of desired and preferred land uses along the corridor. This will also include redevelopment planning of key sites, detailed development character recommendations, integration of community goals, and implementation strategies.

Two public workshops were held in March and April of this year, with alternative means of providing feedback via an online survey directly following each workshop. A final workshop will be held in July.

For more information and workshop updates: https://www.shorewood-hills.org/univavedesign

The Oaks housing development breaks ground in Jackson

VILLAGE OF JACKSON, WISC. On May 8, 2023 Washington County, in partnership with the Village of Jackson, hosted a groundbreaking ceremony for the Oaks of Jackson subdivision, the very first development in County Executive Josh Schoemann’s Next Generation Housing Initiative.

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