CLIENT: Rock County, Wisconsin
DATES: 2019-2021
NEED: Struggling with minimal resources available, Rock County needed a revamped Parks, Open Space, and Recreation Plan to guide the future of its parks, trails, and open space network.
PROJECT ELEMENTS: Parks, Outdoor Recreation, and Open Space Plan (2020) and Camp Indian Trails Opportunity Analysis (2021)
ROLE/SERVICES: The Vandewalle & Associates team assisted Rock County in the development of a new Parks, Open Space, and Recreation Plan, which set in place the foundation for the Opportunity Analysis also completed directly following adoption. The plan set the stage for strategic and thoughtful ways to improve existing facilities, while also providing a framework, vision, and metrics-based approach to analyzing future parkland acquisition. Directly following the adoption of the plan, the former Camp Indian Boy Scouts Camp became available in 2021. Wanting to seize on a once-in-a-generation opportunity, Rock County conducted an Opportunity Analysis on the site based on the plan’s recommendations. This analysis was utilized by staff to generate support for the parkland acquisition, especially from elected officials.
RESULTS + IMPACT: The plan and Opportunity Analysis led to unanimous approval by the Rock County Board for the purchase of the Camp Indian Trails site in 2021, a $3 million investment. The new park opened to the public in 2022.