Neng Lor is an Assistant Designer who works within Eye Level Studio on the Vandewalle team.

Neng believes strongly in the value of places designed to support equality and positive connection to their environment. “I feel a space should be welcoming, allowing imagination, creation, and being themselves when occupying a space,” Neng explains.

Her work with people from many different backgrounds, identities, and values in both her internship and her volunteerism has helped deepen her understanding of human needs and potential solutions for creating inclusive spaces for people.

Skilled with AutoCAD, Adobe Creative Suite (Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign), Sketchup and Lumion, Neng is also trained in using computer and hand skills to create evidence-based designs, site analysis, maps, and renderings. Neng is multi-lingual; fluent in both English and Hmong.


University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, WI

  • Bachelor of Landscape Architecture
  • Asian American Studies Certificate


Bayview Foundation Inc. Volunteer Madison, WI – Volunteer

  • Volunteered for three hours per month and collaborated with other volunteers to unpack, organize, and distribute groceries and canned goods.
  • Directed and assisted residences and community members through the distribution process to maintain a smoother process and transitioning in the area.
  • Translated for senior Hmong residences and guided them through the shopping process.

Circle K InternationalClub Member

  • Collaborated with club members to complete various service projects, mainly focusing on food insecurity, childhood development and mental health.